Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Around the States in 100(or so) Days

Sue and I are heading out on a cross country adventure from San Diego to Seattle via the Florida Keys, Boston, Wisconsin, Colorado Springs, Arizona, San Diego and home. Join us in what will certainly be an adventure. We will share the highlights, low lights, and everything between while we learn as we travel.

This is a log for us to remember and hope that you will enjoy our trip with us.

Steve and Sue Robinson


  1. hi gma and gpa i will be checking this every day so you better keep us updated hope to hear from you soon


  2. I have officially added your blog to my highly sought after blog reader... congratulations, your blog has "made it" as they say in the biz. hahaha

    I look forward to following you on your trip,...but not literally,...cause that would be stalking and I would probably go to jail.

  3. I am curious what your planned route will be, if you are willing to share that information. The way it is written, it sounds like you are going to Key West straight away and then taking your time coming back across country. Just curious.

  4. Hey Cousin -
    I am looking forward to seeing you during the midwest pass-through. As you get close to Wisconsin, I'd love to meet up with you. I'll be watching for you and Sue.
    Trisha (Patty Curry) Steele
