Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Saturday, April 17, 2010

R& R Day (Rest and Relax)

After a busy day of visiting Disneyland, we decided to take the day off. Disneyland was not as crowded as we have experienced in the past, and not as big as the one in California. Many of the rides and exhibits were replicas of the California Theme Park, but there are new exhibits, and some of the old rides have been updated. The Pirates of the Caribbean now stars Captain Jack Sparrow, from the movie. The Tikki Room has a new star, but I let you experience that. A new or updated exhibit introduces every president from Washington to Obamma. It is in the theater that used to have Mr. Lincoln. They have also updated the Carousel of Progress. The final section needs to be updated as the ride cannot keep up with technology.

While Epcot was a great experience, we decided that Disneyland was better with kids or grand kids. Half the fun is experiencing the excitement on the faces of children as they experience it. It was also a reminder that two times on space mountain is enough for one day. Please don't tell my chiropractor.

We intended to stay until closing (11pm) but decided that we had done everything we wanted to do so left at 7pm and returned to camp in time for a hot tub and early evening. We have seen fireworks before.

Yesterday we relaxed at the pool until a group started a water volleyball game. We were persuaded to join and played for about an hour. We were not sure of the rules, and later figured out that there weren't many. That was ok since they didn't keep score either.

We left in time to journey northeast of us to visit my nephew and his family in Daltona. We had a great home cooked dinner and visit with his wife and four daughters. His oldest son and wife are in Alabama with a new baby.

We are planning another relaxing day before we prep for the next adventure south heading for the Keys. This will be the furthermost destination from "home" before we begin the return trip via the northeast and then westbound.

Yes, we are still having fun!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Steve and Sue, Love your blog and loved talking with you at the hot tub. Our email is Plan a visit around Augusta, GA and spend a day with us.
    More later.

    Johnnie and Micky
