Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Monday, April 5, 2010

A wonderful 3 day weekend!

We shared in our last blog about the great time we spent in San Antonio with Sue's cousin and Shelia. Saturday and Sunday we were in Houston with friends (Tom and Kathy Kilburg)that we "grew up" with in Tukwila during Steve's first 17 years of police work. I may have mentioned how interesting it is to be separated from good friends for a length of time, and then pickup right were you left when you get together.

Saturday we enjoyed a quiet day of visiting on the large estate that he works as coordinating the staff and workers that work on the projects at property as well as completing projects. It is a beautiful home situated on a small private lake shared with 5 other properties. We were able to walk around the property enjoying the beautiful azaleas, the baby ducks in the lake, and the multitude of birds.

On Sunday we attended Church with the Kilburgs in a Large Presbyterian Church. The church has around 7000 members and we attend one of the 7 services on Easter. The service was wonderful, traditional, and a great blessing to us. We returned to the house and spent the afternoon continuing our visit, and having dinner with their daughter, her husband and three kids.

This was one of those very special times with family, friends and fellowship. We are off on another adventure this morning and will be spending the lions share of the day traveling through the "hill country" of Texas with lots to share tomorrow.

I found my birthday present this weekend. I know it was meant for me. It was a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren. Sues said I just need to save my change and I can get it. The owner of the estate owns one.

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