Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog Post 50 and Counting....Washington DC to Cape Cod

We are in Cape Cod. Our trip started out rather interesting when we received a call from our son an Monday morning to discuss some last minute plans for our stay in Cape Cod/Boston. After some discussion he said that they has some last minute preparations for the flight on Tuesday, and had the Baseball tickets for Wednesday afternoons Baseball Game at Fenway Park. It suddenly dawned on me that we had not looked at our calendar close and thought we still had one more full day in DC before the two day trip to the Cape. Kevin thought I was kidding, and then realized I wasn't. We ended our conversation, and in one hour we were on the road towards Boston.

We spent our first night at a Walmart RV Parking Lot on Monday night. We were joined by three other RV's, including a fifth wheel, and several trucks. The parking was free until someone wandered into the store. It is amazing what a few "groceries" end up costing. It was a quiet area and next to a Mc Donalds. We drove most of Tuesday arriving at Cape Cod at the Rv Park. The drive was beautiful, and the first hills we had seen since New Mexico. The coach is still handling well and we hardly feel the car being towed behind us.

We settled in the ELS Camp Ground which is a combination RV Park and summer cottage park. The majority of the people staying arrive after Memorial Day so the park is not very full. They have a nice pool, but no water in it yet. It is a lot colder here than south.

On Wednesday we met up with our son, his girl friend, and our grandson in Boston for a mid day baseball game at Fenway Park. It is a grand old ball park with lots of character and characters. The tee-shirt of the day was " I have two favorite teams, the Red Socks and any team that beats the Yankees". Outside of the stadium we watched a guy get fired in the vending area after he and the boss disagreed about using a cell phone while cooking braut's. I don't know how to put the thick accent in the blog, but the conversation was very entertaining. The Socks nearly came back in the final innings, but the game was still fun. The seats were in the second row above the fence in right field with the promise of a home run ball. It didn't happen this time. Denali, our grand son's primary mission was to get a baseball, but alas, it did not happen this game. Tickets were responsible. Parking anywhere in the City was outrageous! Some lots were $50.00 and up.

Our first trip into Boston reminded me why we moved out of the City. It took us over an hour to get to the freeway, and another half hour to get out of the city. The trip home on non-traffic days is only about an hour and a half. Traffic is horrible and negotiating downtown Boston nearly impossible!!

People in Boston like their horns! Cabbies use there horns more often than their brakes. I am thinking about opening a business called quik lube and horn replacement. I know that they must need the horns fixed at least every 1000 miles or so. I just shrug, I am a tourist.

On Thursday we had Denali and found a cute 18 hour mini golf course. Grandma, Grandpa, and Denali played a round of golf before venturing to Boston for our second day to go with the gang to the beautiful New England Aquarium. We enjoyed walking around the multi-level exhibits with Denali. We decided to stay in town Thursday night with our son in a cute little place in Cambridge. I refused to attempt the drive back to the cape during rush hour. We ended up at the BBQ Ribs place walking distance from Kevin's rental place. The dinner was so huge that when they brought it to the table there was no room for plates to eat off. We put a dent in the food, and took another huge bag back home for a second dinner.

Today (Friday) we went to the Boston Science Center in downtown Boston with the gang. We finished the three floors by 3:30, and then headed back to the RV Park at peak rush hour. We are apparently are not quick learners.

We returned home, gas up the car, ran through the car wash, lost a tire air valve stem in the process, changed the flat tire helped by a kind police officer, took a picture and returned home. It is our second flat, but this one will require a valve stem replacement. It was our first encounter with the police, and a good one at that. I didn't know that they helped change tires, and perhaps if I wasn't hiding in the car, he may have made me change it. Or, maybe I looked a little old. What a nice boy he was.

We are off to another adventure tomorrow, with several more days in the New England before we start traveling west.


  1. We had such a good time with you two! I'm really bummed your not here in n Conway with us... you would love it. Be safe. "Wadda ya wanna cook some saasages, or you wanna take a walk?"

  2. Are you gonna pay me??? We also had a great time. We will see you in July.

