Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Monday, May 31, 2010

Branson, MO

We arrived in Branson Missouri late Thursday afternoon and set up the Coach. Traffic in the City was busy and after a quick self guided tour we came to the conclusion that our preconceived vision of Branson was far from reality. We were expecting a compact town with rows of theaters lined along the main street. Instead, we found four separate "routes" winding through the hilly country surrounding the original "main" street. Huge theaters are interspersed with old and new buildings, commercial areas, real estate offices, discount ticket stands, and lots of vacant property for sale. There is possibly every type of entertainment one might be interested. It is family friendly with activities for kids and parents.

We returned home that evening and began planning our weekend. On Friday Sue got hit with a minor case of flu. It slowed her down and we stayed close to home. On Saturday she felt better and we ventured out that evening to see a GREAT play at an outstanding Theater. The play, Noah,was put on by a Christian group in a huge theater. While we have seen some Broadway Plays with better scripting, we have not seen a more elaborate sets. The theater held 2000 people and the Ark took up both sides and the center. It had hundreds of animated electronic animals on three levels of the ark. I wish I had a picture, but alas, no photography in the theater.

On Sunday Steve went to Church at the College of the Ozarks. It is an amazing four year College that is better know as "Hard Work U". The college was established by a minister who realized that a large portion of the children in the Ozark area did not have an opportunity to attend high school. A group of business men built a residential high school that eventually ended up becoming a college. Tuition was impossible for most of the graduates so the college designed a program that allowed the students to pay tuition by working 20 hours per week at the school. Students are also allowed to work during the summer to defer room and board during the school year. It is an interesting story you can find on the internet. The campus is beautiful, and kept up by the students. They also were involved in the building of the "Chapel" which looks a lot more like a Cathedral.

On Sunday night we went to the Oak Ridge Boys show which was a combination of news songs, gospel music, songs recognizing and honoring our men and women in the arm forces, and Elvira, the signature song. Interesting enough, the four guys have been together since the 60's and two joined the group in the 70's. They are not the "original" Oak Ridge Boys as the group began in the 1940's (when Frank was just a Kid) as entertainment for the workers sequestered in Tennessee while working on the Manhattan Project.

Monday we went up to the site of "The Shepard of the Hills" which became famous after the writing of the book of the same name, and the movie starring John Wayne. We took a tour of the grounds, went up in a tower that overlook much of the valley, and bought tickets for the outdoor theater show tonight. Sue energy level is picking up so the ten mile hike tomorrow may still be on. (NOT).

We leave in the morning headed west towards California. We are certain that adventure is awaiting us as we travel.

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