Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Charleston South Carolina --Looking for a House??

At the risk of sounding redundant...Wow! Once again we decided to take a city tour to get to know a little more about the history of the city. Once again we were in the right place at the right
time. Things were a little slow for the tours, and we ended up on a small bus/van as the only two people. We had a personalized narrated riding tour through the historic district, a tour of the "homes" that dated back to the 1700's, and an explanation of the strict rules throughout the historic district about any work done on a building. The guide, who was a little older than us, was a trainer for other guides who are required to be licensed at different levels. He himself works in the restoration business as a consultant (volunteer) and loves history.

Parking is strictly enforced and as you can see, not even the tour company's are not exempt. The normal threat of towing is seldom used when parked near the armament posted around the park by the river.

Homes from the rich and richer border the water and range up to 25000 square feet. Charleston has had its disasters (four fires, invasions, pirates, hurricanes including Hugo that required many of the buildings to be restored from the ground up. It is nearly impossible to demolish a building because of the area designation as a historical zone.

We also indulged in local food while in town that included "sticky finer" BBQ and the famous South Carolina Special of grits, oysters, sweet peas, hush puppy's, shrimp, coleslaw, and tea. They serve enough for two meals, so we will treat ourselves while on the road tomorrow.

Historically we saw a house where President Washington actually slept, the house of an appointed judge (appointed by Washington) who found that state sovereignty was unconstitutional. There is also a corner in downtown that is in Ripley's believe it or not as the only corner in the world that has City Law, State Law, Federal Law, and a Church (God's Law) represented on the four corners.

We also were treated to a 300 year old sun dial that actually still works! They don't make them like they used to! It was a great day.

I have over a hundred pictures of beautiful homes that I may put together as a ppt. slide show if anyone is interested. We have decided that this is one of our favorite City so far, but the trip is still only half over. We anticipate another great day tomorrow.


  1. It seems like every blog has food in it I have a feeling I might put on a few pounds in my 2-3 weeks I'm with u guys =) . About how long a day do u drive? Because 3 weeks us a long time from Cali to Washington.

  2. You are worried about putting on weight. Ha Ha Ha. We drive until we get to a specific stop point, or until GPA gets tired, or until Grandma finds a mall, or until we see a Starbucks. When you get to San Diego we well goof around for a while before we head for home, and then we will be stopping on the way back. We will have fun, and you should be an accomplished motorhome driver by the time we get to Arlington.

