Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Charleston to Washington DC Travel Days with a little extra Adventure

Normally I don't post on travel days, because there isn't much exciting about driving up the road. However, the last two days were an exception. We left Charleston in the morning after Sue got home with the morning cups of Jo from a coffee shop only 4 miles away. We changed our basic travel day routine and I handled the preparing of the coach while she went to get the coffee. I didn't realize that I had left the tire pressure device on the hood of the car until she got back and handed it to me. Oops. That would not have been a good start of the day. Later she reminded me that there were several other things that I had overlooked inside, which she normally does. Needless to say. I was dully chastised. Thank goodness there was no loss or damage and I still got my mocha.

We traveled uneventfully north on 95 planning on staying somewhere at the border of South Carolina and North Carolina. About 90 miles before the border we began seeing signs for "Pedros South of the Border". This would not be that big of a deal if we were in the southern states from California to Texas, but we were headed north in South Carolina approaching North Carolina. The signs continued about every 5 miles or so along with a bunch of signs advertising "JR"'s huge everything including the kitchen sink store. As we drove on, the signs were increasing and we finally arrived at Pedros. It was unbelievable. It looked like an abandoned theme park. It had Pedros everything. We stopped long enough to make a purchase at a truck stop and left. A few miles down the freeway we found JR's. It was a huge version of Big Lots and indeed had everything at bargain prices. The building was bigger than a super Walmart with a variety of products. Hard cover books were 2 to 5 dollars. We did not get away without some additional weight added to the coach.

We stayed a a newer campground just inside North Carolina. Rest stops prohibit over night parking, and Walmart's were not in the area. We left in the early morning and other than my navigator falling asleep for three hours, the trip was good. That is, until our faithful GPS directed us into the center of Washington D.C. Not only was the traffic heavy, but there was massive construction going on. I nearly panicked when I was told to turn right on Pennsylvania Ave. I could just see me trying to navigate by the white house. We finally arrived at our destination north west of the Capital Mall and are now preparing to plan for the week here in DC. We will be experiencing buses and subways and leaving the coach and car here at the campground.

We will leave town by a less congested though somewhat longer route. I think one adventure through downtown with a 39' motor home towing a 15' towed car is plenty.

Meet our two newest members of the traveling family from Texas and Florida. They are Alli and Dilli. They guard the motor home when we are out.

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