Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Burrrrrrrrrr........It is cold out there!

Yes, I was sniveling about a little snow yesterday. We safely arrived last night at the staging area for the 30 coaches to go into the Balloon park today. This was day one for dry camping. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term "dry camping" it means no water, electricity, or sewer hookups. Now before you get the wrong idea, we do have indoor plumbing in the coach, as will as a huge generator, and a 90 gallon tank of fresh water, so it is not quite like tent camping. We use an inverter to give us some electricity but when we need to micro-wave dinner or heat or make my mocha, we have to fire up the generator. Indeed, It is tough.

When I woke up this morning it was extra cool, and I ventured out to take my early walk I found that it had snowed over night. Luckly it wasn't sticking on the road and began to melt before we left the staging area. We are now parked in a graveled lot waiting for the convention to start on Monday. The tempature is cold, but the view is great! They expect about 2000 Motor Homes this year, quite a few less than in the past.

The coach was filthy after the rain/snow and road here, so I tried the infamous half gallon of water wash that my good friend demonstrated. I got the dirt and grime of, but it still need another wash soon.

Tomorrow will be an exploring day. We called my nephew who lives in Albuquerque and hope that we can meet up before we leave on Thursday.

Every day has brought new experiences and we continue to look forward to each day.

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