Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Good bye sunshine - Hello Rain and a Can you believe this?

We left Palm (Sunny) Springs on Saturday Morning. It was a beautiful Day and we were well rested for the next adventure. We headed east towards Arizona with nothing but a annoying sound coming from some unidentified place in/on/around the coach. We had already removed the TV antenna that doesn't pick up anything that is digital (like all the channels) and the noise still continued. More on this later.

We crossed the border in to Arizona and stopped at the Flying J Truck Stop to refuel. We are prepared to spend some money for diesel fuel, but not all of it at the first station. If it continues this way I may have to give away our first child.....hummm. Just kidding Kim. We chose to take the road less travel and headed north on a small rural highway towards Lake Havasu,a dam created Lake on the Colorado river. Sue ask me if I wanted a break from driving. She has never driven this coach or the truck with the trailer, or our first motor home. I thought she was kinding. She wasn't. Thus the picture posted. This is for real. She drove about 25 miles and then allowed me to take over. There will be no remarks about driving over the gravel shoulder every time a car, truck, or shadow came the other way, she did great.

We arrived mid afternoon and had a great time visiting with our friends from Tukwila, Bob and Gerri. We enjoyed dinner and all went great until Bob told us about the monster taranchula (sp?) that he had thrown in the field we were parked in. Needless to say Sue (and I) walked carefully back to the coach, and still are making sure that he didn't hitch-hike back with us to Surprise.

Sunday Morning we went to breakfast with them and snapped another picture. Lake Havasu is the home of the London Bridge. By the way, it is not falling down.

We had another great ride except the annoying noise. I finally went to the top of the roof and found that the dish had not been setting properly causing a tap on the roof constantly. A slight adjustment, no more noise.

We will being spending a week at Happy Trails RV Park next to Mom and Dad's Home at Tradition. We have a ball game planned with some other Tukwila friends, and lots of time with mom and dad.

Our favorite sign leaving the small town of Hope Arizona, "You are now beyond hope", and maybe we are.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for you Sue! Driving on a four lane hwy is one thing, two lanes with a 40' class A and tow is an accomplishment! Keep it up...we can't let Vivian have all the fun! Nice of you to compliment her Steve.
