Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 3 - Joshua Tree National Park

Today was a great day! We did some rearranging inside and out of the motor home. We are thinking that we still have more than we need, but we will be pros by the time we finish the trip. The bikes are outside, ready for a tune-up and we have walked two days in a row.

After "everyone" was up we left for Joshua National Park, about 40 miles away. We spent 5 hours looking at God's beautiful creation. Rocks, more rocks, and Joshua Trees every where. They were just about to bloom. There is a beautiful view point which gave us a panoramic view of the mountains to the west, through the Palm Springs Area, and the Salton Sea.

The Cholla Cactus Garden proved once again that signs that say do not touch usually are there for a reason. The lady who backed into one is get the picture. We returned home and Sue cooked dinner. Her second in two years.

Life is great! ( It's my turn to cook tomorrow)

Steve and Sue


  1. This just looks like a pile of rocks to me. You didn't have to drive 2,000 miles just to see a pile of rocks. Oh, you drove 2,000 miles to see Sue make dinner? Okay, that makes sense to me.

  2. Chuck...WE hiked to get to this pile of rocks. Aren't you at least a little proud of us?

  3. It was a round trip hike from the car back to the car. Sues says 1.7 miles either way. That's like almost 4 miles.
