Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Long Drive East...

Yesterday morning we packed up the coach and prepared for a travel day. Our destination was Abilene, Texas (a distance of 270 miles). We estimated our drive to be slightly more than halfway to Bridgeport, Texas which was our next stop. After reviewing the map we opted not to take the freeway, but to journey on secondary highways and some county roads (the scenic route) and as the morning became afternoon realized that the drive was great, and the destination was within reach with a little extra time. Sooo, here we are in Bridgeport, TX (427 miles, and 9 hours later).

The drive was more interesting with a combination of long stretches of prairie, huge ranches, and small 300-4000 population towns. This was much more interesting than freeway exit businesses, and cars and trucks thinking that 60 miles per hour is way too slow.

Sue offered to "drive a spell", but the drive was not bad nor was I tired, so I will save that experience for later. Instead, she continued sharing navigation duties with Hillary, our faithful GPS.

We are in a 1000 Trails campground a day early, which will give us an extra day to bank for an extended day here, or in the Houston/San Antonio area later this week. We are on a lake with a beautiful view, and moderate temperature.

Today we are driving the car into to Dallas in hopes of solving the JFK conspiracy once and for all.

We look forward to each day and what it brings along this adventure.

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