Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Monday, March 1, 2010

This last week has been bitter/sweet for us. We have left many great friends and family behind as we began our trip. It is hard to leave people who you have live with, eaten with and worshiped with without some hesitation. We will never forget these friends and the time we have spent with our families.

Sue was going to get up right after breakfast so we could leave at "around" 10:00. I guess I know what "around" means now. We left at 11:30ish. Starbucks is going to miss us and may take a slight dip in profit after serving us coffee every morning.

The drive was smooth as glass until I (steve) realized that I had traveled nearly 100 miles in less than an hour. I later realized that the trip odometer was set for Kilometers and not miles. I think I know who might have set it that way, but I can't prove it.

We arrived at the 1000 Trails Preserve at 3:30 pm, (which is sorta like right after lunch), and found a great sight to back into. Thank goodness there was a retired fireman to help me with directions, I might still be backing up. Oh well, I can always use directions.

Tonight we toured Indio, found a K-Mart, and returned to home and had a nice hot-tub. We are going to like this place, but will miss our friends.


  1. Hi you two! Sorry we had to miss the grand surprise farewell! Will be keeping up with your blog. Have a great time, and go S L O W L Y ! Our guesses are it's a once in a lifetime trip, so you don't want many "We wish we had done" this or that!

  2. I'm going to love following you along the way. Just some news....Dave (the AC guy) is leaving today to go to Florida to work/live...Just like that! The stairs are finished and they're beautiful. thanks again. We're eating outside for lunch because the inside of the dining hall is being remodeled.
    Howard had his Bile study in there last night...may have had 100 people...huge light in front parking lot for stranger cars. I miss you. Jan
