Today was a tourist day. We first ventured to the quaint City of Jerome. It is on route 89a and about half way to Prescott on a steep uphill grade. Once a copper mining town, located at about 5000 feet, it is best known for the "ghost" that
The police and fire department in Jerome AZ >
haunt the many old buildings. We personally didn't see any, but I guess that's why they are called ghost. It is now a large tourist city with every trinket you can imagine. There was a lot of local artists whose work was sold in small galleries. My favorite item (that I didn't buy) was a rustic looking tee-shirt with a group of hikers in the high wilderness walking along on a ridge. The caption was "take a compass, it is embarrassing to have to eat your friends." After climbing up to the top of the business district we walked back down to the car. More exercise.We than drove east to the Tuzigoot National Monument and
Another great day as we look forward to tomorrow.
So, do you have a hot tub in that rig of yours; or, do you have a travel map that has all the hot tubs in the US marked in it? Seems like you have been in the hot tub every night! Keep up the great reports, we can all travel vicariously from our own personal salt mines!