Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dallas Texas -The Kennedy Musuem - Traffic

Dallas is a beautiful city with a mixture of the old and the new. It is difficult to tell where Dallas starts and Fort Worth ends, and the other smaller cities connect. We left for Dallas mid-morning in our Honda fit. There is a big difference between 40 mpg and ....well much less than that in driving a house around. The trip in was very pleasant, and Sue (Suzi) and Hillary agreed on most of the route. It is still some what funny to watch sue tract on the paper map while Hillary tells us where to turn. Sue has even begun to audibly disagree with Hillary. We got exactly where we were going with a minor alteration in the address.

We spent the next several hours on the 6th Floor of the Texas Book Depository were the alleged assassin of John F. Kennedy shot the President. The museum had numerous exhibits including displays on his accomplishments during his short three years, his family history, and of course, the three days in history in Dallas in November, 1963. The exhibits included a recorded guided tour that you could hear detailed information on each exhibit, video stations to watch different historical sequences, and replicas of evidence. I also found out that someone actually has more books on the assassination than I do. Unfortunately I still haven't solve the who done it.

We went down to the grassy knoll, and got a much better picture of the layout. It made the scene much more understandable by seeing it. I have come to the realization that this case will never be solved, so I will move on. There was an interesting poster in the gift shop that showed around fifty "prime" suspects that had a reason to see him dead for a sundry reason. My newest favorite suspect is Frank Sinatra. Don't mess with my friend Marilyn.

I love photographing building buildings. So I did.

On the way home we encountered rush hour traffic. Note for me: 4-6pm is not a good time to be traveling away from a big city. In Arlington we just need to know what time the cows crossed the street to the milking barn.

We had another great day and were blessed by the days farewell. Tomorrow will be a stay at home day with some little chores to take care of before we set out again south.


  1. Fascinating pictures. What is the building in the first photo?

  2. It is the old Dallas County court house, now a museum.
