Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last Day in Palm Springs

We met this guy on our patio the day before we left Green Oak. I wanted to travel with us so I gave him directs. I think he is probably at space 17 by now.

Seriously, yesterday was a slow day with one more trip to Palm Springs for last minute supplies, a drive through Palm Desert, land of the Golf Country Clubs, and home to give the coach an outside bath. We are packed and ready to drive to Lake Havasu LATER this morning.

It has struck me how small this world is. Thursday night in the midst of a huge crowed street fair we stopped for dinner at cafe. While waiting for a table in a busy cafe we meet a RV resident from Green Oak. Same time, same place. What are the odds? Last night while enjoying the jacuzzi we met a couple from Edmonds Washington whose parents lived next door to an officer I hired in Arlington. That officer had help the couples parents during a difficult time. They were so impressed by his caring attitude and couldn't say enough about how much that meant to them.

I have also noticed that there is a very friendly spirit among the travelers, and they are extremely helpful. We also experienced another first. A barber shop quartet serenaded Sue in the jacuzzi.

Another great day awaits us.


  1. Enjoying traveling with you! Don't go too fast, you might miss the Andreas fault in Palm Springs area! :) Hope the rig and car will keep doing well, too!. Prayers.

  2. I think Ken ran over that snail when he moved into that site. Too bad! You'll be in Havasu now, hope it's drier there than here (we're having Seattle weather) Keep posting, love following your adventures.
    Sue, where was that jacuzzi? Jan

  3. I will be following you across America. Next shuttle launch is scheduled for 5 April :) Let me know when you roll into our part of Florida!
