Steve and Sue

Steve and Sue

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Last Day in Surprise

Today will be our last full day in Surprise. We spent the week with mom and dad just relaxing, working on projects, visiting, taking rides, and shopping. Sue, mom and Steve found some bargains a a thrift store, sue and I cruised downtown Phoenix while dad had an appointment at the VA, and we ate at a BBQ place that fed us the equivalent of three nights worth of food. We are all still working on it.

Today we will go through the soon to be routine of putting things away and preparing to pull put after church. We are headed to Cottonwood, AZ where there might be some snow. Every day is another adventure. We have used the hot tub every night. Two nights ago we chatted with a long lime RVer who share a lot of great advise. (Note: always bring a note pad when you go to the community hot tub,. You never know what great information you may get, and I rarely remember it by the time I get home.) I did remember when the old timer shared his experience where he was cut off by a speeding truck in the snow and was traveling sideways for several hundred yards down a highway in his 40 foot coach. The mere picture of that made getting to Texas a good thing.

Things are great and we anxiously await today's experience.

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